Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Fate and sadness

A friend recently told me that being emotional or being ultra sensitive isn't a bad thing. His opinion was that I should feel happy  that I can feel so deeply. He added that it can be seen as a gift of God. I felt very happy to hear that. His observations like that has helped me before when there were crises related to my self esteem, when I had felt very lonely in a totally strange town. Now, almost a week after hearing his above mentioned wonderful words, I am battling with the same issue of being unbearably emotional. And this time it has all the epic elements of sadness. Love, hurt, emotions, family drama and what not.

I had coffee with  someone for few minutes. And I felt I was respected, heard and received well  and above all a genuine feeling that here my enthusiasm about life is shared equally. I tried not to dream, and I succeeded as far as I could. Yet after few days , now when this most expected road block appears, which neither me nor that person is in any way responsible , I feel unbearably sad. There are emotional strings from different corners which pulls me and tears apart, and these emotions I think are like interests. In other words feeling towards one person or one institution like family is an interest and are not plain value neutral emotions. And this is the world of many interests and conflicts which troubles and cause my hurt. I had an emotional outburst in my own way and I feel sad that I might have caused hurt to another set of people who were also helpless in this genuinely sad occasion.  I have never doubted the beauty of life and it's strange surprises and beautiful gifts as my friend said. But I am so confused about what to feel, after a deep hurt for that you can't blame any human being what exactly one should feel? And to whom should we agitate?

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